The Guard-N-Table

Currently working from our garage and garden located at 10179 Lawrence Ln, Locust Grove VA, 22508.

The Vegetable Stand in the front yard holds the fresh vegetables for sale. We work on the honor system there is a small cashbox on the table and we think you will find our prices VERY reasonable.

Don't forget to check out our store for our latest products and services!

From our "Guard-N" to your "-Table".

We provide fruits and vegetables from our garden to your table at the lowest prices.

All fruits and vegetables are fed with Miracle Grow and Sevin is used to keep the pests away.


10179 Lawrence Ln

About us

A Veteran Owned business catering to Military and First Responders with a 10% discount. All products are made with 100% recycled pallet wood, providing Handyman services, and fruits & vegetables from our garden to your table.

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